Translation: “Aishiteru” from Zoku Natsume Yujincho

(Ending themesong for Zoku Natsume Yujincho)
Singable translation: Maureen S. O’Brien, 2/19/09

Hey, a little, little more,
A little, little more
I wish you’d listen just a bit more.

Hey, a little, little more,
A little, little more,
Can’t I think of myself a bit?

Oh, the instant it was in my grasp
It seemed like it would never last
Like it would fade away — say something, please!

The moment you were here
The moment you were here
My world forever oh, so had changed
The landscape monotone
Turned vivid — should’ve known
My palette had been rearranged.

As we walked holding hands,
As we walked holding hands,
We had to part before I could understand
I wonder if we’d make a match, you and I
And you know, that’s what I had to ask the sky.

Zoku Natsume Yujincho is the second season of Natsume Yujincho — episodes 14 and onward. (Sometimes a second season is treated as a whole different series. You get names like Shin Whatever or Whatevershow 2. This is the same thing, I guess.) You can watch it free and legally at Crunchyroll.

Yet another versification, due to my lack of time and plentiful tiredness. I got the literal translation here at Gendou. Here’s the song over at YouTube.


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5 responses to “Translation: “Aishiteru” from Zoku Natsume Yujincho

  1. Lovely! I haven’t heard the song yet, but the graceful translation is very nice. Is it hard for you to do? I translate sometimes, as you’ve seen, but it’s not too easy.

  2. Maureen

    It differs. Sometimes it flows, sometimes it doesn’t.

    Sorry I didn’t reply before, everybody. First my computer broke down again last Friday, and then I broke my arm on Sunday morning. So I’ve been at my parents’ house and away from the Internet.

  3. tancos

    Ouch. Sorry to hear about your arm. I hope it heals quickly and completely.

  4. Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear about your arm! I hope it heals fast.

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