Monthly Archives: February 2017

Blogging Hiatus Should Be Over

Yes, I am alive. I have just been busy at work, as well as busy helping my brother Kevin work on his sequel novel (which is more a matter of keeping him company while we both write, therefore staying accountable). Also, I hate having to heat the computer room just so I can use the big computer instead of a tablet. (And tablets stink at making links.)

So yes, I’ve been letting this blog go, and writing really long comments on other people’s blogs instead. I apologize. It’s a bad habit, which this blog was invented to break.

And then there’s Trump. I never really knew what to think of him during the campaign, and I voted for him more as a matter of party loyalty than personal pleasure. But to be honest, the more that SJWs went nuts against the man, the more entertaining it became. By Election Day, I was starting to warm to the whole idea of a President Trump, although I was pretty sure the Democrats would manage to steal the election somehow.

Heh. I was never so glad to be wrong. Is there anyone in the world who would actually want to work with Hillary as their boss? Is she not the stuff of office nightmares?

By Inauguration Day, I was solidly in favor of Trump. If he had been chosen to be CEO of a company where I was employed, I would have been feeling good about it. I’m still not sure how he’ll fare as our US president, but he’s doing a good job so far. The bizarre overreaction of the Left just makes it all sweeter. I am sorry for those people on the left whom I know personally, because they can’t seem to stay sane about the poor man. But then, they did the same hissy fits about Ronald Reagan, both Bushes, Mitt Romney, Condeleeza Rice, Sarah Palin, and the fence-straddling McCain, so it’s hard to care.

Not much else to say, but I’m sure I’ll have more later. The weather has gotten a lot better.


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