Survived Work Today.

Well, I went back to work today, even though I apparently came down with a second and different kind of cold this weekend and thus felt like crud. But just as on Friday, I knew that if I didn’t go in, the logistics would quickly get unmanageable. So yeah, I probably overdid on Friday by going in; but today was a lot easier than it would have been, and tomorrow will be easier still.

I’ve had to go to great extremes to stay sitting up while I sleep, so as not to get my throat sore again or to get gunk down my airpipes. I found that the Vs. channel’s exciting coverage of various skiing events was, paradoxically, just the thing to send me into a very soothing sleep while sitting up. (A lot of exciting sports events have this effect on me. I blame my dad, for listening to late night Reds games on the radio.) I also ended up watching a lot of late night/early morning Discovery Channel and Animal Planet — or at least, parts of them.

My big success of the weekend was ordering pizza delivery from the new Figaro’s Pizza by me. Yum! You wouldn’t believe how much that hit the spot. So did the garlic butter I got with my breadsticks. I swear, they should put garlic butter on the shelf right next to Robitussin. I ate about half of my medium pizza in a sitting, and the rest of it while watching those early morning Discovery Channel shows. (Well, if you could call it watching when I wasn’t wearing my glasses or my contacts. More like listening.)

Anyway, I ate Chinese for lunch. I couldn’t actually taste the hot Chinese mustard on my eggroll, except in fits and starts. “Bland, bland, bland… AAH! Bland… AAH!” The hot and sour soup was still hot and sour, though. Mysteeeerious. I guess I should have gone with something garlic instead of the mustard….

I guess we were all thinking of Amy Welborn and her kids today. OSV’s thoughtful double-the-royalties offer during the month of February is still in force, so buy books!

Also, please pray for Australians right now, with the horrific bushfires they’re suffering. And you might want to put in a word for people living near Mt. Redoubt in Alaska….


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2 responses to “Survived Work Today.

  1. Sounds to me like your body is demanding fuel.

  2. Joy

    I hope you feel better soon!

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