Another Pirate Priest

From Captain Cuarteron the pirate to Father Cuarteron the missionary!

By a very fortunate coincidence, at the same time as European traders were about to reorganize North Borneo, a former pirate too had decided to work for the good of Borneo as penance for his crimes. He was a Spaniard called Cuarteron who had been a sailor and had made his way to the Philippines and so to Borneo. There he took part in the slave trade and smuggling operations which made the life of Borneo so cruel and miserable. Captain Cuarteron repented of his crimes after he had found a very great treasure and then been shipwreeked with it in his ship. He swore an oath that just as he had brought misery to the people of Borneo in the past, he would bring them help and kindness in the future. Although he was over 40 years old, he went to Rome in order to study to become a missionary priest. As soon as his studies were completed he returned to Borneo in 1855 as the Roman Catholic Prefect Apostolic of North Borneo and Labuan. For over twenty years Father Cuarteron, the reformed pirate, trudged through the jungles of Borneo preaching, teaching and tending the sick. When he was dying he sent a message to Rome, begging that other priests should be sent to continue his work. So it was that in 1881 the Roman Catholic Mission fathers arrived to work in Borneo.

Here’s a slightly less colorful account of the life of Monsignor Carlos Cuarteron, and a brief rundown of his plan of action.

It would seem that Malaysian Borneo needs our prayers and support today, as the government is not supportive of the religious freedom of the people.


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3 responses to “Another Pirate Priest

  1. Maybe these posts should cause us to rethink the whole idea of novitiate and pre-theology formation. What do you think?

  2. “Ar, mateys! I’ve discerned that the whole pack of ye scurvy seadogs is ready for seminary. Anyone want to argue with the edge of me cutlass?”

  3. Pingback: St. Arrrrrrrbinus, Patrrrrrron Saint of Pirrrrrates | Aliens in This World

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